Planning advice can be useful for all parties involved in the planning process. Landowners, developers, applicants, residents, community groups, stakeholders (e.g. Highway Authorities or Wildlife Trusts) and any other interested party can have their say on planning matters, whether it be as part of preparing a Local or Neighbourhood Plan, or in response to a planning application, planning appeal or unauthorised development.
Development Appraisals
If you are a land or property owner considering options for disposal of assets, CN Planning can undertake desk based studies, assisted by a site walkover where appropriate, to inform you of development opportunities which would likely obtain planning permission – whether it be short term through a planning application or long term as part of the Local Plan process. Contact us for a free no obligation quote.
Pre Application Advice (including whether an application is actually required)
The planning system is based on two principles. Firstly that development requires planning permission, and secondly that development comprises either operational works (such as erecting a building or undertaking engineering works) or making a material change of land or buildings. This is then complicated by a mix of deemed permissions (for certain works or changes of use), local development orders (which grant further locally specific deemed permissions) and judgement on whether the proposal constitutes development or not. This can make it difficult to establish whether an application is necessary in the first instance. CN Planning can help here offering opinion on such matters, as well as what the considerations would be if prior notification or an application is necessary. We can also seek a formal opinion from the Local Authority by submitted a Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Use or Development. Contact us for a free no obligation quote.
Wherever possible, pre-application advice should be sought before a planning application is submitted, so that both the Local Authority and applicant can engage in “best practice” and ensure that planning is a positive and proactive process. This pre-application advice can also be sought from key consultees the Local Authority might rely upon, such as the Highway Authority or Environment Agency. This informal approach to various parties and the Local Authority prior to formally making an application helps to either eliminate or minimise the risk of a refusal. CN Planning has current and practical experience in dealing with pre-application requests. Contact us for a free no obligation quote.
Representation at application, appeal or Local Plan preparation
CN Planning understands the importance of involving the community in planning proposals. In this light you may wish to enlist our services to represent you as an individual, community group or organisation, or company to submit representations on your behalf, either in support or against, development proposals in the form of planning applications, unauthorised development, planning and enforcement appeals or to the Secretary of State at Local Plan examinations. We can also speak on your behalf, subject to Local Authority procedure or discretion of the Secretary of State, at planning committee, appeal hearings or inquiries or Local Plan examinations. Contact us for a free no obligation quote.